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This chapter will guide you how to install the software required for developing smart contracts using the Oasis SDK. After successfully completing all the described steps you will be able to start building your first smart contract on Oasis!

If you already have everything set up, feel free to skip to the next chapter.

Environment Setup

The following is a list of prerequisites required to start developing using the Oasis SDK:


We follow Rust upstream's recommendation on using rustup to install and manage Rust versions.


rustup cannot be installed alongside a distribution packaged Rust version. You will need to remove it (if it's present) before you can start using rustup.

Install it by running:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

If you want to avoid directly executing a shell script fetched the internet, you can also download rustup-init executable for your platform and run it manually.

This will run rustup-init which will download and install the latest stable version of Rust on your system.

Rust Toolchain Version

The version of the Rust toolchain we use in the Oasis SDK is specified in the rust-toolchain.toml file.

The rustup-installed versions of cargo, rustc and other tools will automatically detect this file and use the appropriate version of the Rust toolchain. When you are building applications that use the SDK, it is recommended that you copy the same rust-toolchain.toml file to your project's top-level directory as well.

To install the appropriate version of the Rust toolchain, make sure you are in the project directory and run:

rustup show

This will automatically install the appropriate Rust toolchain (if not present) and output something similar to:


active toolchain

nightly-2022-08-22-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (overridden by '/code/rust-toolchain')
rustc 1.65.0-nightly (c0941dfb5 2022-08-21)


Required if you want to use the Go Client SDK.

At least version 1.20.2 is required. If your distribution provides a new-enough version of Go, just use that.


Oasis CLI Installation

The rest of the guide uses the Oasis CLI as an easy way to interact with the smart contract. You can use one of the binary releases or compile it yourself.