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Upgrade Log

For each upgrade of the Testnet network, we are tracking important changes for node operators' deployments.

They are enumerated and explained in this document.

2023-10-12 Upgrade


Note that some of the software releases mentioned below have not yet been published. They are expected to become available as we get closer to the upgrade window.

  • Upgrade height: upgrade is scheduled to happen at epoch 29570.

We expect the Testnet network to reach this epoch at around 2023-10-12 07:56 UTC.


  1. (optional) Vote for the upgrade. On 2023-10-09, an upgrade proposal will be proposed which (if accepted) will schedule the upgrade on epoch 29570. See the Governance documentation for details on voting for proposals.

The following steps should be performed only after the network has reached the upgrade epoch and has halted:

  1. Download the Testnet genesis file published in the Testnet 2023-10-12 release.

Testnet state at epoch 29570 will be exported and migrated to a 23.0 compatible genesis file.

The new genesis file will be published on the above link soon after reaching the upgrade epoch.

  1. Verify the provided Testnet upgrade genesis file by comparing it to the local network state dump.

    The state changes are described in the State Changes section below.

  2. Replace the old genesis file with the new Testnet genesis file.

  3. Ensure your node will remain stopped by disabling auto-starting via your process manager (e.g., systemd or Supervisor)

  4. Back up the entire data directory of your node. Verify that the backup includes the following folders:

  • for consensus: tendermint/abci-state and tendermint/data
  • for runtimes: runtimes/*/mkvs_storage.badger.db and runtimes/*/worker-local-storage.badger.db
  1. Wipe state. This must be performed before replacing the Oasis Node binary.

State of ParaTimes/runtimes is not affected by this upgrade and MUST NOT be wiped. Wiping state for confidential ParaTimes will prevent your compute or key manager node from transitioning to the new network.

Transitioning confidential ParaTimes to the new network requires local state that is sealed to the CPU. This also means that bootstrapping a new node on a separate CPU immediately after the network upgrade will not be possible until an updated ParaTime containing new trust roots is released and adopted.

  1. Replace the old version of Oasis Node with version 23.0.

The Oasis Core 23.0 binary in our published releases is built only for Ubuntu 22.04 (GLIBC>=2.32). You'll have to build it yourself if you're using prior Ubuntu versions (or other distributions using older system libraries).

  1. Perform any needed configuration changes described below.

  2. (only Rosetta Gateway operators) Replace old version of Oasis Rosetta Gateway with version 2.6.0.

  3. Start your node and re-enable auto-starting via your process manager.

Configuration Changes


To see the full extent of the changes examine the Change Log of the 23.0 release.

The node configuration has been refactored so that everything is now configured via a YAML configuration file and configuring via command-line options is no longer supported.

Some configuration options have changed and so the configuration file needs to be updated. To make this step easier, a command-line tool has been provided that will perform most of the changes automatically. You can run it with:

oasis-node config migrate --in config.yml --out new-config.yml

The migration subcommand logs the various changes it makes and warns you if a config option is no longer supported, etc. At the end, any unknown sections of the input config file are printed to the terminal to give you a chance to review them and make manual changes if required.

Note that the migration subcommand does not preserve comments and order of sections from the input YAML config file. You should always carefully read the output of this command, as well as compare the generated config file with the original before using it.

After you are satisfied with the new configuration file, replace the old file with the new one as follows:

mv new-config.yml config.yml

The configuration format for seed nodes has changed and it now requires the node's P2P public key to be used. In case your old configuration file contains known Testnet seed nodes, this transformation is performed automatically.

However, if it contains unknown seed nodes then the conversion did not happen automatically and you may need to obtain the seed node's P2P public key. For Testnet you can use the following addresses:

  • HcDFrTp/MqRHtju5bCx6TIhIMd6X/0ZQ3lUG73q5898=@
  • HcDFrTp/MqRHtju5bCx6TIhIMd6X/0ZQ3lUG73q5898=@

Please be aware that every seed node should be configured to listen on two distinct ports. One is dedicated to peer discovery within the CometBFT P2P network, while the other is used to bootstrap the Oasis P2P network.

Data Directory Changes

The subdirectory (located inside the node's data directory) used to store consensus-related data, previously called tendermint (after the consensus layer protocol backend) has been renamed to consensus in Oasis Core 23.0. If any of your scripts rely on specific directory names, please make sure to update them to reflect the changed sdirectory name.

State Changes

The following parts of the genesis document will be updated:


For a more detailed explanation of the parameters below, see the Genesis Document docs.


All state changes will be done automatically with the migration command provided by the new version of oasis-node. It can be used as follows to derive the same genesis file from an existing state dump at the correct height (assuming there is a genesis.json present in the current working directory):

oasis-node genesis migrate --genesis.new_chain_id testnet-2023-10-12


  • chain_id will be set to testnet-2023-10-12.

  • halt_epoch will be removed as it is no longer used.


  • registry.runtimes[].txn_scheduler.propose_batch_timeout specifies how long to wait before accepting proposal from the next backup scheduler. It will be set to 5000000000 (5 seconds). Previously the value was represented in the number of consensus layer blocks.

  • registry.params.gas_costs.prove_freshness specifies the cost of the freshness proof transaction. It will be set to 1000.

  • registry.params.gas_costs.update_keymanager specifies the cost of the keymanager policy update transaction. It will be removed as the parameter has been moved under keymanager.params.gas_costs.update_policy.

  • registry.params.tee_features specify various TEE features supported by the consensus layer registry service. These will be set to the following values to activate the new features:

    "tee_features": {
    "sgx": {
    "pcs": true,
    "signed_attestations": true,
    "max_attestation_age": 1200
    "freshness_proofs": true
  • registry.params.max_runtime_deployments specifies the maximum number of runtime deployments that can be specified in the runtime descriptor. It will be set to 5.

Root Hash

  • roothash.params.max_past_roots_stored specifies the maximum number of past runtime state roots that are stored in consensus state for each runtime. It will be set to 1200.


  • staking.params.commission_schedule_rules.min_commission_rate specifies the minimum commission rate. It will be set to 0 to maintain the existing behavior.

  • staking.params.thresholds.node-observer specifies the stake threshold for registering an observer node. It will be set to 100000000000 base units (or 100 tokens), same as for existing compute nodes.

Key Manager

  • keymanager.params.gas_costs specify the cost of key manager transactions. These will be set to the following values:

    "gas_costs": {
    "publish_ephemeral_secret": 1000,
    "publish_master_secret": 1000,
    "update_policy": 1000

Random Beacon

  • beacon.base is the network's starting epoch. It will be set to the epoch of Testnet's state dump + 1, 29570.


  • governance.params.enable_change_parameters_proposal specifies whether parameter change governance proposals are allowed. It will be set to true.


  • consensus.params.max_block_size specifies the maximum block size in the consensus layer. It will be set to 1048576 (1 MiB).


  • extra_data will be set back to the value in the Mainnet genesis file to include the Oasis Network's genesis quote:

    Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?” [submitted by Oasis Community Member Daniyar Borangaziyev]:

    "extra_data": {
    "quote": "UXVpcyBjdXN0b2RpZXQgaXBzb3MgY3VzdG9kZXM/IFtzdWJtaXR0ZWQgYnkgT2FzaXMgQ29tbXVuaXR5IE1lbWJlciBEYW5peWFyIEJvcmFuZ2F6aXlldl0="

2022-04-04 Upgrade

  • Upgrade height: upgrade is scheduled to happen at epoch 15056.

We expect the Testnet network to reach this epoch at around 2022-04-04 7:45 UTC.


  • See Before upgrade section for required steps to be done before upgrade.

  • (optional) Vote for the upgrade. On 2022-04-01, an upgrade proposal will be proposed which (if accepted) will schedule the upgrade on epoch 15056. See the Governance documentation for details on voting for proposals.


The upgrade proposal contains the "empty" upgrade handler whose only purpose is allow specifying a no-op handler when submitting an upgrade proposal.

This is not dump & restore upgrade

For this upgrade, do NOT wipe state. The new Oasis Core version expects the synced state using Oasis Core 22.0.x all the way until the upgrade epoch. Read Handling Network Upgrades for more info.

  • Once reaching the designated upgrade epoch, your node will stop and needs to be upgraded to Oasis Core 22.1. After your node is upgraded to Oasis Core 22.1, restart it and wait for more than 2/3+ of nodes by stake to do the same and the network starts again.

The Testnet's genesis file and the genesis document's hash will remain the same.


ParaTime binaries for the Cipher ParaTime will be published at a later time due to the additional offline signing step. If you are running multiple ParaTimes on the same node, you should disable the Cipher ParaTime until the new version is published.

  • If you are running a Rosetta gateway, upgrade it to version 2.2.0.

Before Upgrade

This upgrade will upgrade Oasis Core to version 22.1 which no longer allows running Oasis Node (i.e. the oasis-node binary) as root (effective user ID of 0).

Running network accessible services as the root user is extremely bad for system security as a general rule. While it would be "ok" if we could drop privileges, syscall.AllThreadsSyscall does not work if the binary uses cgo at all.

Nothing in Oasis Node will ever require elevated privileges. Attempting to run the oasis-node process as the root user will now terminate immediately on startup.

While there may be specific circumstances where it is safe to run network services with the effective user ID set to 0, the overwhelming majority of cases where this is done is a misconfiguration.

If the previous behavior is required, the binary must be run in unsafe/debug mode (via the intentionally undocumented flag), and debug.allow_root must also be set.

2022-03-03 Upgrade

  • Upgrade height: upgrade is scheduled to happen at epoch 14209.

We expect the Testnet network to reach this epoch at around 2022-03-03 12:45 UTC.


  • (optional) Vote for the upgrade. On 2022-03-02, an upgrade proposal will be proposed which (if accepted) will schedule the upgrade on epoch 14209. See the Governance documentation for details on voting for proposals.

The upgrade proposal contains a non-existing upgrade handler and will be used to coordinate the network shutdown, the rest of the upgrade is manual.

The following steps should be performed only after the network has reached the upgrade network and has halted:


Testnet state at epoch 14209 will be exported and migrated to a 22.0 compatible genesis file. The new genesis file will be published on the above link soon after reaching the upgrade epoch.

  • Replace the old genesis file with the new Testnet genesis file. The state changes are described and explained below.
  • Replace the old version of Oasis Node with version 22.0.
  • Wipe state.
  • Perform any needed configuration changes described below.
  • Start your node.

Configuration Changes


To see the full extent of the changes examine the Change Log of the 22.0 release.

If your node is currently configured to run a ParaTime, you need to perform some additional steps.

The way ParaTime binaries are distributed has changed so that all required artifacts are contained in a single archive called the Oasis Runtime Container and have the .orc extension. Links to updated ParaTime binaries will be published on the Testnet network parameters page for their respective ParaTimes.

The configuration is simplified as the runtime.paths now only needs to list all of the supported .orc files (see below for an example).

Instead of separately configuring various roles for a node, there is now a single configuration flag called runtime.mode which enables the correct roles as needed. It should be set to one of the following values:

  • none (runtime support is disabled, only consensus layer is enabled)
  • compute (node is participating as a runtime compute node for all the configured runtimes)
  • keymanager (node is participating as a keymanager node)
  • client (node is a stateful runtime client)
  • client-stateless (node is a stateless runtime client and connects to remote nodes for any state queries)

Nodes that have so far been participating as compute nodes should set the mode to compute and nodes that have been participating as clients for querying and transaction submission should set it to client.

The following configuration flags have been removed:

  • runtime.supported (existing runtime.paths is used instead)
  • worker.p2p.enabled (now automatically set based on runtime mode)
  • worker.compute.enabled (now set based on runtime mode)
  • worker.keymanager.enabled (now set based on runtime mode)
  • (no longer needed)

Also the worker.client option is no longer needed unless you are providing consensus layer RPC services.

For example if your previous configuration looked like:

- "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000beef"

"000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000beef": /path/to/runtime

# ... other settings omitted ...

enabled: true

enabled: true

port: 12345
- "xx.yy.zz.vv:12345"

enabled: true
port: 12346
- "xx.yy.zz.vv:12346"

The new configuration should look like:

mode: compute
- /path/to/runtime.orc

# ... other settings omitted ...

port: 12346
- "xx.yy.zz.vv:12346"

State Changes

The following parts of the genesis document will be updated:


For a more detailed explanation of the parameters below, see the Genesis Document docs.


  • height will be set to the height of the Testnet state dump + 1, i.e. 8535081.
  • genesis_time will be set to 2022-03-03T13:00:00Z.
  • chain_id will be set to testnet-2022-03-03.
  • halt_epoch will be set to 24210 (more than 1 year from the upgrade).


  • registry.runtimes list contains the registered runtimes' descriptors. In this upgrade, all runtime descriptors will be migrated from version 2 to version 3. The migration will be done automatically with the oasis-node debug fix-genesis command.
  • registry.suspended_runtimes list contains the suspended registered runtimes' descriptors. In this upgrade, all runtime descriptors will be migrated from version 2 to version 3. The migration will be done automatically with the oasis-node debug fix-genesis command.
  • Inactive registered entities in registry.entities (and their corresponding nodes in registry.nodes) that don't pass the minimum staking thresholds will be removed. The removal will be done automatically with the oasis-node debug fix-genesis command.

Root Hash

  • roothash.params.gas_costs.submit_msg is a new parameter that specifies the cost for an submit message transaction. It will be set to 1000. This will be done automatically with the oasis-node debug fix-genesis command.

  • roothash.params.max_in_runtime_messages is a new parameter that specifies the maximum number of incoming messages that can be queued for processing by a runtime. It will be set to 128.

    This will be done automatically with the oasis-node debug fix-genesis command.

  • roothash.runtime_state contains the state roots of the runtimes. Empty fields will be omitted. This will be done automatically with the oasis-node debug fix-genesis command.


  • staking.params.thresholds specifies the minimum number of tokens that need to be staked in order for a particular entity or a particular type of node to participate in the network. The node-storage key is removed since Oasis Core 22.0+ removes separate storage nodes (for more details, see: #4308). This will be done automatically with the oasis-node debug fix-genesis command.
  • staking.params.min_transfer specifies the minimum number of tokens one can transfer. The value is set to 10,000,000 base units, or 0.01 TEST tokens. This will be done automatically with the oasis-node debug fix-genesis command.
  • staking.params.min_transact_balance specifies the minimum general balance an account must have to be able to perform transactions on the network. The value is set to 0 base units meaning this requirement is currently not enforced. This will be done automatically with the oasis-node debug fix-genesis command.
  • staking.params.reward_schedule specifies the staking reward schedule as an array with elements of the form:
    "until": 14226,
    "scale": "1229"
    For example, this element specifies that the staking reward is 0.001229% per epoch until epoch 14226. It will be set to the same schedule that is currently on used on the Mainnet.

Random Beacon

The beacon object contains parameters controlling the new improved VRF-based random beacon introduced in the Damask upgrade.

  • beacon.base is the network's starting epoch. It will be set to the 14209.

  • beacon.params.backend configures the random beacon backend to use. It will be set to "vrf" indicating that the beacon implementing a VRF-based random beacon should be used.

  • beacon.params.vrf_parameters.alpha_hq_threshold is minimal number of nodes that need to contribute a VRF proof for the beacon's output to be valid. It will be set to 3.

    This will be done automatically with the oasis-node debug fix-genesis command.

  • beacon.params.vrf_parameters.interval is the duration of an epoch. It will be set to 600.

    This will be done automatically with the oasis-node debug fix-genesis command.

  • beacon.params.vrf_parameters.proof_delay is number of blocks since the beginning of an epoch after a node can still submit its VRF proof. It will be set to 300.

    This will be done automatically with the oasis-node debug fix-genesis command.

  • beacon.params.vrf_parameters.gas_costs.vrf_prove specifies the cost for a VRF prove transaction. It will be set to 1000.

    This will be done automatically with the oasis-node debug fix-genesis command.

The beacon.params.pvss_parameters control the behavior of the previous random beacon implementing a PVSS scheme.

Since PVSS is no longer supported, all its configuration options are removed as well.


  • governance.params.stake_threshold is a new parameter specifying the single unified stake threshold representing the percentage of VoteYes votes in terms of total voting power for a governance proposal to pass. It will be set to 68 (i.e. 68%).

    This will be done automatically with the oasis-node debug fix-genesis command.

  • governance.params.quorum is the minimum percentage of voting power that needs to be cast on a proposal for the result to be valid.

    It will be removed since it is being replaced by the single governance.params.staking_threshold parameter.

    This will be done automatically with the oasis-node debug fix-genesis command.

  • governance.params.threshold is the minimum percentage of VoteYes votes in order for a proposal to be accepted.

    It will be removed since it is being replaced by the single governance.params.staking_threshold parameter.

    This will be done automatically with the oasis-node debug fix-genesis command.


  • consensus.params.state_checkpoint_interval parameter controls the interval (in blocks) on which state checkpoints should be taken. It will be increased from 10000 to 100000 to improve nodes' performance since computing checkpoints is I/O intensive.

2021-08-11 Upgrade

  • Upgrade height: upgrade is scheduled to happen at epoch 8844.

We expect the Testnet network to reach this epoch at around 2021-08-11 08:50 UTC.

Proposed Parameter Changes

The Oasis Core 21.2.8 release contains the consensus-params-update-2021-08 upgrade handler which will update the following parameters in the consensus layer:

  • **staking.params.max_allowances ** specifies the maximum number of allowances on account can store. It will be set to 16 (default value is 0) to enable support for beneficiary allowances which are required to transfer tokens into a ParaTime. Note that this has already been the case on Testnet since the 2021-06-23 upgrade.
  • **staking.params.gas_costs ** , governance.params.gas_costs and roothash.params.gas_costs specify gas costs for various types of staking, governance and roothash transactions. Gas costs for transactions that were missing gas costs will be added.
  • scheduler.params.max_validators is the maximum size of the consensus committee (i.e. the validator set). It will be increased to110 (it was set to 100 previously).

Instructions - Before Upgrade System Preparation

  • This upgrade will upgrade Oasis Core to version 21.2.8 which:
    • Has a check that makes sure the file descriptor limit is set to an appropriately high value (at least 50000). While previous versions only warned in case the limit was set too low, this version will refuse to start. Follow the File Descriptor Limit documentation page for details on how to increase the limit on your system.
  • Stop your node, replace the old version of Oasis Node with version 21.2.8 and restart your node.

Since Oasis Core 21.2.8 is otherwise compatible with the current consensus layer protocol, you may upgrade your Testnet node to this version at any time.

This is not dump & restore upgrade

For this upgrade, do NOT wipe state.

  • Once reaching the designated upgrade epoch, your node will stop and needs to be upgraded to Oasis Core 21.2.8.
    • If you upgraded your node to Oasis Core 21.2.8 before the upgrade epoch was reached, you only need to restart your node for the upgrade to proceed.
    • Otherwise, you need to upgrade your node to Oasis Core 21.2.8 first and then restart it.

If you use a process manager like systemd or Supervisor, you can configure it to restart the Oasis Node automatically.


The Testnet's genesis file and the genesis document's hash will remain the same.

2021-06-23 Upgrade

  • Upgrade height: upgrade is scheduled to happen at epoch 7553.

We expect the Testnet network to reach this epoch at around 2021-06-23 14:30 UTC.


  • See Before upgrade section for required steps to be done before upgrade.
  • (optional) Vote for the upgrade. On 2021-06-21, an upgrade proposal will be proposed which (if accepted) will schedule the upgrade on epoch 7553. See the Governance documentation for details on voting for proposals.

The upgrade proposal contains the "consensus-max-allowances-16" upgrade handler whose only purpose is to set the**staking.params.min_delegation** consensus parameter to 16 (default value is 0) to enable support for beneficiary allowances which are required to transfer tokens into a ParaTime.

  • Stop your node, replace the old version of Oasis Node with version 21.2.4 and restart your node.

Since Oasis Core 21.2.4 is otherwise compatible with the current consensus layer protocol, you may upgrade your Testnet node to this version at any time.

This is not dump & restore upgrade

For this upgrade, do NOT wipe state.

  • Once reaching the designated upgrade epoch, your node will stop and needs to be upgraded to Oasis Core 21.2.4.
    • If you upgraded your node to Oasis Core 21.2.4 before the upgrade epoch was reached, you only need to restart your node for the upgrade to proceed.
    • Otherwise, you need to upgrade your node to Oasis Core 21.2.4 first and then restart it.

If you use a process manager like systemd or Supervisor, you can configure it to restart the Oasis Node automatically.


The Testnet's genesis file and the genesis document's hash will remain the same.

Before upgrade

This upgrade will upgrade Oasis Core to version 21.2.x which includes the new BadgerDB v3.

Since BadgerDB's on-disk format changed in v3, it requires on-disk state migration. The migration process is done automatically and makes the following steps:

  • Upon startup, Oasis Node will start migrating all <DATA-DIR>/**/*.badger.db files (Badger v2 files) and start writing Badger v3 DB to files with the .migrate suffix.

  • If the migration fails in the middle, Oasis Node will delete all <DATA-DIR>/**/*.badger.db.migrate files the next time it starts and start the migration (of the remaining <DATA-DIR>/**/*.badger.db

    files) again.

  • If the migration succeeds, Oasis Node will append the .backup suffix to all <DATA-DIR>/**/*.badger.db files (Badger v2 files) and remove the .migrate suffix from all <DATA-DIR>/**/*.badger.db.migrate files (Badger v3 files).

Extra storage requirements

Your node will thus need to have extra storage space to store both the old and the new BadgerDB files.

To see estimate how much extra space the migration will need, use the du tool:

shopt -s globstar
du -h <DATA-DIR>/**/*.badger.db | sort -h -r

This is an example output from a Testnet node that uses /srv/oasis/node as the <DATA-DIR>:

6.3G	/srv/oasis/node/tendermint/data/blockstore.badger.db
2.7G /srv/oasis/node/tendermint/abci-state/mkvs_storage.badger.db
1.4G /srv/oasis/node/tendermint/data/state.badger.db
158M /srv/oasis/node/persistent-store.badger.db
164K /srv/oasis/node/tendermint/abci-state/mkvs_storage.badger.db/checkpoints
80K /srv/oasis/node/tendermint/abci-state/mkvs_storage.badger.db/checkpoints/4424334
80K /srv/oasis/node/tendermint/abci-state/mkvs_storage.badger.db/checkpoints/4423334
76K /srv/oasis/node/tendermint/abci-state/mkvs_storage.badger.db/checkpoints/4424334/fc815694d8219acb97fc0207a2159601df76df4d96802c147252ad0f2fd8a3f3
76K /srv/oasis/node/tendermint/abci-state/mkvs_storage.badger.db/checkpoints/4423334/613e734e4ee4999bf71c3a190df13ea9d9b7d65af6a7fd8b2c9a477f2d052313
68K /srv/oasis/node/tendermint/abci-state/mkvs_storage.badger.db/checkpoints/4424334/fc815694d8219acb97fc0207a2159601df76df4d96802c147252ad0f2fd8a3f3/chunks
68K /srv/oasis/node/tendermint/abci-state/mkvs_storage.badger.db/checkpoints/4423334/613e734e4ee4999bf71c3a190df13ea9d9b7d65af6a7fd8b2c9a477f2d052313/chunks
20K /srv/oasis/node/tendermint/data/evidence.badger.db

After you've confirmed your node is up and running, you can safely delete all the <DATA-DIR>/**/*.badger.db.backup files.

Extra memory requirements

BadgerDB v2 to v3 migration can use a number of Go routines to migrate different database files in parallel.

However, this comes with a memory cost. For larger database files, it might need up to 4 GB of RAM per database, so we recommend lowering the number of Go routines BadgerDB uses during migration (badger.migrate.num_go_routines) if your node has less than 8 GB of RAM.

If your node has less than 8 GB of RAM, set the number of Go routines BadgerDB uses during migration to 2 (default is 8) by adding the following to your node's config.yml:

# BadgerDB configuration.
# Set the number of Go routines BadgerDB uses during migration to 2 to lower
# the memory pressure during migration (at the expense of a longer migration
# time).
num_go_routines: 2

2021-04-13 Upgrade

  • Upgrade height: upgrade is scheduled to happen at epoch 5662.

We expect the Testnet network to reach this epoch at around 2021-04-13 12:00 UTC.


  • Runtime operators see Before upgrade section for required steps to be done before upgrade.
  • (optional) Vote for the upgrade. On 2021-04-12 an upgrade proposal will be proposed which (if accepted) will schedule a network shutdown on epoch 5662. See the Governance documentation for details on voting for proposals.

The upgrade proposal contains a non-existing upgrade handler and will be used to coordinate the network shutdown, the rest of the upgrade is manual.

Following steps should be performed only after the network has reached the upgrade network and has halted:


Testnet state at epoch 5662 will be exported and migrated to a 21.1.x compatible genesis file. Upgrade genesis file will be published on the above link soon after reaching the upgrade epoch.

  • Replace the old genesis file with the new Testnet genesis file.
  • Replace the old version of Oasis Node with version 21.1.
  • Wipe state.
  • Start your node.

Before upgrade

Runtime operators

This upgrade requires a runtime storage node migration to be performed before the upgrade genesis is published. This can be done before the upgrade epoch is reached by stopping all runtime nodes and running the migration.


Backup your node's data directory

To prevent irrecoverable runtime storage data corruption/loss in case of a failed storage migration, backup your node's data directory.

For example, to backup the /serverdir/node directory using the rsync tool, run:

rsync -a /serverdir/node/ /serverdir/node-BACKUP/

The storage database on all storage nodes needs to be migrated with the following command (using the 21.1 binary):

oasis-node storage migrate \
--datadir <NODE-DATADIR> \
--runtime.supported <RUNTIME-ID>

After the migration to v5 completes, you will see an output similar to:

- migrating from v4 to v5...
- migrating version 24468...
- migrated root state-root:195cf7a9a103e7300b2bb4e537cb9935cbebd83e448e67aa55433861a6ad7426 -> state-root:cea105a5d701deab935b94af9e8e0c5af5dcdb61c242bf434da9f11aa8d110ba
- migrated root io-root:0850c5a33ee7f45aa92724b7d5f28c9ac9ae8799b88cc5be9773e8aba9526ca7 -> io-root:19713a2b44e1bf868ebee43c36872baa3058870bb890a5e25d1c4cea2622be77
- migrated root io-root:477391131f60ac2c22bce9167c7e3783a13d4fb81fddd2d388b4ead6a586fe52 -> io-root:f29f86d491303c5fd7b3572e97cbd65b7487b6b4ac519623afd161cc2e4678b7

Take note of the displayed state-root and report it to the Foundation, as it needs to be included in the upgrade's new genesis file. Keep the runtime nodes stopped until the upgrade epoch is reached. At upgrade epoch, upgrade the nodes by following the remaining steps above.

2021-03-24 Upgrade

  • Upgrade height: upgrade is scheduled to happen at epoch 5128.

We expect the Testnet network to reach this epoch at around 2021-03-24 11:30 UTC.


  • (optional) To ensure your node will stop at epoch 5128 submit the following upgrade descriptor at any time before the upgrade:

    "name": "testnet-upgrade-2021-03-24",
    "method": "internal",
    "identifier": "testnet-upgrade-2021-03-24",
    "epoch": 5128
  • Download the Testnet genesis file published in the Testnet 2021-03-24 release.


Testnet state at epoch 5128 will be exported and migrated to a 21.0.x compatible genesis file. Upgrade genesis file will be published on the above link soon after reaching the upgrade epoch.

  • (optional) Verify the provided Testnet genesis file by comparing it to network state dump. See instructions in the Handling Network Upgrades guide.
  • Replace the old genesis file with the new Testnet genesis file.
  • Stop your node (if you haven't stopped it already by submitting the upgrade descriptor).
  • Replace the old version of Oasis Node with version 21.0.1.
  • Update your node's configuration or perform any additional needed steps as per Additional Steps below.
  • Wipe state.
  • Start your node.

For more detailed instructions, see the Handling Network Upgrades guide.

Additional steps

Examine the Changelog of the 21.0 release.

Runtime operators

In addition to some configuration changes, this upgrade contains breaking runtime API changes. Make sure any runtime code is updated and compatible with the 21.0.x runtime API version.


Backup your node's data directory

To prevent irrecoverable runtime storage data corruption/loss in case of a failed storage migration, backup your node's data directory.

For example, to backup the /serverdir/node directory using the rsync tool, run:

rsync -a /serverdir/node/ /serverdir/node-BACKUP/

For this upgrade, the runtime node operators need to perform an additional migration of the storage nodes. Before starting the upgraded node and before wiping state, the storage database on all storage nodes needs to be migrated with the following command (using the 21.0.1 binary):

oasis-node storage migrate \
--datadir <NODE-DATADIR> \
--runtime.supported <RUNTIME-ID>

Storage access policy changes

Due to the changes in the default access policy on storage nodes, at least one of the storage nodes should be configured with the flag set to true.

Otherwise, external runtime clients wont be able to connect to any storage nodes.