In this tutorial, you will build and deploy a unique dApp that requires confidentiality to work. By the end of the tutorial, you should feel comfortable setting up your EVM development environment to target Sapphire, and know how and when to use confidentiality.
The expected completion time of this tutorial is 15 minutes.
Create a Sapphire-Native dApp
Porting an existing EVM app is cool, and will provide benefits such as protection against MEV. However, starting from scratch with confidentiality in mind can unlock some really novel dApps and provide a higher level of security.
One simple-but-useful dApp that takes advantage of confidentiality is a dead person's switch that reveals a secret (let's say the encryption key to a data trove) if the operator fails to re-up before too long. Let's make it happen!
Init a new Hardhat project
We're going to use Hardhat with TypeScript which relies on NodeJS, but Sapphire should be compatible with your dev environment of choice. See examples in Go and Python at the end of this chapter. Let us know if things are not as expected!
Make & enter a new directory:
mkdir quickstart && cd quickstart
Create a TypeScript project and install the project dependencies:
npx hardhat init
as dependency:- npm
- pnpm
- Yarn
npm install -D @oasisprotocol/sapphire-hardhat
pnpm add -D @oasisprotocol/sapphire-hardhat
yarn add --dev @oasisprotocol/sapphire-hardhat
Add the Sapphire Testnet to Hardhat
Open up your hardhat.config.ts
and import sapphire-hardhat
import { HardhatUserConfig } from "hardhat/config";
import "@oasisprotocol/sapphire-hardhat";
import "@nomicfoundation/hardhat-toolbox";
import "./tasks";
const accounts = process.env.PRIVATE_KEY ? [process.env.PRIVATE_KEY] : {
mnemonic: "test test test test test test test test test test test junk",
path: "m/44'/60'/0'/0",
initialIndex: 0,
count: 20,
passphrase: "",
By importing @oasisprotocol/sapphire-hardhat
, any network config entry
corresponding to the Sapphire's chain ID will automatically be wrapped with
Sapphire specifics for encrypting and signing the transactions.
Next, let's add an account with a private key from an environment variable:
import { HardhatUserConfig } from "hardhat/config";
import "@oasisprotocol/sapphire-hardhat";
import "@nomicfoundation/hardhat-toolbox";
import "./tasks";
const accounts = process.env.PRIVATE_KEY ? [process.env.PRIVATE_KEY] : {
mnemonic: "test test test test test test test test test test test junk",
path: "m/44'/60'/0'/0",
initialIndex: 0,
count: 20,
passphrase: "",
Finally, let's add the Sapphire Testnet network to the network property of
const config: HardhatUserConfig = {
solidity: "0.8.28",
networks: {
sapphire: {
url: "https://sapphire.oasis.io",
chainId: 0x5afe,
"sapphire-testnet": {
url: "https://testnet.sapphire.oasis.io",
chainId: 0x5aff,
"sapphire-localnet": {
// docker run -it -p8544-8548:8544-8548 ghcr.io/oasisprotocol/sapphire-localnet
url: "http://localhost:8545",
chainId: 0x5afd,
Get some Sapphire Testnet tokens
Now for the fun part. As you have configured the Sapphire Test network, get some native TEST tokens. Hit up the one and only Oasis Testnet faucet, select "Sapphire" and enter your wallet address. Submit the form and TEST be on your way.
Get the Contract
This is a Sapphire tutorial and you're already a Solidity expert, so let's not
bore you with explaining the gritty details of the contract.
Start by pasting Vigil.sol
into contracts/Vigil.sol
- Create a new file called
: - Paste the following contract into it:
Vigil.sol contract
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.9;
contract Vigil {
struct SecretMetadata {
address creator;
string name;
/// @notice How long (in seconds) the secret should remain so past the creator's last update.
uint256 longevity;
event SecretCreated(
address indexed creator,
string indexed name,
uint256 index
SecretMetadata[] public _metas;
bytes[] private _secrets;
/// @dev The unix timestamp at which the address was last seen.
mapping(address => uint256) public _lastSeen;
function createSecret(
string calldata name,
uint256 longevity,
bytes calldata secret
) external {
creator: msg.sender,
name: name,
longevity: longevity
emit SecretCreated(msg.sender, name, _metas.length - 1);
/// Reveal the secret at the specified index.
function revealSecret(uint256 index) external view returns (bytes memory) {
require(index < _metas.length, "no such secret");
address creator = _metas[index].creator;
uint256 expiry = _lastSeen[creator] + _metas[index].longevity;
require(block.timestamp >= expiry, "not expired");
return _secrets[index];
/// Return the time (in seconds since the epoch) at which the owner was last seen, or zero if never seen.
function getLastSeen(address owner) external view returns (uint256) {
return _lastSeen[owner];
function getMetas(uint256 offset, uint256 count)
returns (SecretMetadata[] memory)
if (offset >= _metas.length) return new SecretMetadata[](0);
uint256 c = offset + count <= _metas.length
? count
: _metas.length - offset;
SecretMetadata[] memory metas = new SecretMetadata[](c);
for (uint256 i = 0; i < c; ++i) {
metas[i] = _metas[offset + i];
return metas;
function refreshSecrets() external {
function _updateLastSeen() internal {
_lastSeen[msg.sender] = block.timestamp;
Vigil.sol, the interesting parts
The key state variables are:
SecretMetadata[] public _metas;
bytes[] private _secrets;
is marked withpublic
visibility, so despite the state itself being encrypted and not readable directly, Solidity will generate a getter that will do the decryption for you._secrets
and therefore truly secret; only the contract can access the data contained in this mapping.
And the methods we'll care most about are
, which adds an entry to both_metas
, which acts as an access-controlled getter for the data contained with_secrets
. Due to trusted execution and confidentiality, the only way that the secret will get revealed is if execution proceeds all the way to the end of the function and does not revert.
The rest of the methods are useful if you actually intended to use the contract, but they demonstrate that developing for Sapphire is essentially the same as for Ethereum. You can even write tests against the Hardhat network and use Hardhat plugins.
Add the Tasks
We will use Hardhat tasks to automate the deployment and testing of the Vigil contract.
- Create a new file called
: - Paste the following tasks to the
import { task } from "hardhat/config";
task("deploy").setAction(async (_args, hre) => {
const Vigil = await hre.ethers.getContractFactory("Vigil");
const vigil = await Vigil.deploy();
const vigilAddr = await vigil.waitForDeployment();
console.log(`Vigil address: ${vigilAddr.target}`);
return vigilAddr.target;
.addParam("address", "contract address")
.setAction(async (args, hre) => {
const vigil = await hre.ethers.getContractAt("Vigil", args.address);
const tx = await vigil.createSecret(
30 /* seconds */,
Buffer.from("brussels sprouts"),
console.log("Storing a secret in", tx.hash);
.addParam("address", "contract address")
.setAction(async (args, hre) => {
const vigil = await hre.ethers.getContractAt("Vigil", args.address);
try {
console.log("Checking the secret");
await vigil.revealSecret(0);
console.log("Uh oh. The secret was available!");
} catch (e: any) {
console.log("failed to fetch secret:", e.message);
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 30_000));
console.log("Checking the secret again");
const secret = await vigil.revealSecret.staticCallResult(0); // Get the value.
"The secret ingredient is",
Buffer.from(secret[0].slice(2), "hex").toString(),
task("full-vigil").setAction(async (_args, hre) => {
await hre.run("compile");
const address = await hre.run("deploy");
await hre.run("create-secret", { address });
await hre.run("check-secret", { address });
- Import the tasks inside
import { HardhatUserConfig } from "hardhat/config";
import "@oasisprotocol/sapphire-hardhat";
import "@nomicfoundation/hardhat-toolbox";
import "./tasks";
const accounts = process.env.PRIVATE_KEY ? [process.env.PRIVATE_KEY] : {
mnemonic: "test test test test test test test test test test test junk",
path: "m/44'/60'/0'/0",
initialIndex: 0,
count: 20,
passphrase: "",
Run the Contract
And to wrap things up, we'll put Vigil
through its paces.
First, let's see what's actually going on.
After deploying the contract, we can create a secret, check that it's not readable, wait a bit, and then check that it has become readable. Pretty cool if you ask me!
Anyway, make it happen by running
PRIVATE_KEY="0x..." npx hardhat full-vigil --network sapphire-testnet
And if you see something like the following, you'll know you're well on the road to deploying confidential dApps on Sapphire.
Vigil deployed to: 0x74dC4879B152FDD1DDe834E9ba187b3e14f462f1
Storing a secret in 0x13125d868f5fb3cbc501466df26055ea063a90014b5ccc8dfd5164dc1dd67543
Checking the secret
failed to fetch secret: reverted: not expired
Checking the secret again
The secret ingredient is brussel sprouts
All done!
Congratulations, you made it through the Sapphire tutorial! If you want to dive deeper, please check out the develop chapter and join the discussion on the #dev-central Discord channel.
Best of luck on your future forays into confidentiality!
Visit the Sapphire ParaTime repository to download the Hardhat example of this quickstart.
If your project involves building a web frontend, we recommend that you check out the official Oasis starter files.
Are you building your dApp in languages other than TypeScript? Check out the official Oasis starter project for Go and the Oasis starter project for Python.
See also
📄️ Browser Support
Integrating Sapphire in your web dApp
📄️ ParaTime Client Node
These instructions are for setting up a ParaTime client node which only observes ParaTime activity and can submit transactions. If you want to run a ParaTime node instead, see the instructions for running a ParaTime node. Similarly, if you want to run a validator or a non-validator node instead, see the instructions for running a validator node or instructions for running a non-validator node.
📄️ Web3 Gateway
Web3 gateway for Emerald and Sapphire ParaTimes