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Transaction Tools

The transaction command offers convenient tools for processing raw consensus or ParaTime transactions stored in a JSON file:

  • decoding and displaying the transaction,
  • verifying transaction's signature,
  • signing the transaction,
  • broadcasting the transaction.

Decode, Verify and Show a Transaction

To show the transaction, invoke transaction show <filename.json> and provide a filename containing a previously generated transaction by oasis-node or the Oasis CLI's --output-file parameter.

For example, let's take the following transaction transferring 1.0 TEST from test:alice to test:bob on Testnet consensus layer and store it to testtx.json:

"untrusted_raw_value": "pGNmZWWiY2dhcwFmYW1vdW50QGRib2R5omJ0b1UAyND0Wds45cwxynfmbSxEVty+tQJmYW1vdW50RDuaygBlbm9uY2UBZm1ldGhvZHBzdGFraW5nLlRyYW5zZmVy",
"signature": {
"public_key": "NcPzNW3YU2T+ugNUtUWtoQnRvbOL9dYSaBfbjHLP1pE=",
"signature": "ph5Sj29JFG8p0rCqAXjHm+yLwiXHybxah9C1cVTI01SDeJlyXT8dbp4BfI1hFxBomgi1hOrevTpShX0f9puTCQ=="

We can decode and verify the transaction as follows:

oasis transaction show testtx.json --network testnet
Hash: c996e9d17d652d5dc64589d10806c244a5ef0f650cc2ec8c810b28a85fef5705
Signer: NcPzNW3YU2T+ugNUtUWtoQnRvbOL9dYSaBfbjHLP1pE=
(signature: ph5Sj29JFG8p0rCqAXjHm+yLwiXHybxah9C1cVTI01SDeJlyXT8dbp4BfI1hFxBomgi1hOrevTpShX0f9puTCQ==)
Method: staking.Transfer
To: oasis1qrydpazemvuwtnp3efm7vmfvg3tde044qg6cxwzx
Amount: 1.0 TEST
Nonce: 1
Amount: 0.0 TEST
Gas limit: 1
(gas price: 0.0 TEST per gas unit)

Network: testnet
ParaTime: none (consensus layer)

Since the signature also includes the chain domain separation context, it will be invalid on other networks such as Mainnet and Oasis CLI will mark it as [INVALID SIGNATURE]:

oasis transaction show testtx.json --network mainnet
Hash: c996e9d17d652d5dc64589d10806c244a5ef0f650cc2ec8c810b28a85fef5705
Signer: NcPzNW3YU2T+ugNUtUWtoQnRvbOL9dYSaBfbjHLP1pE=
(signature: ph5Sj29JFG8p0rCqAXjHm+yLwiXHybxah9C1cVTI01SDeJlyXT8dbp4BfI1hFxBomgi1hOrevTpShX0f9puTCQ==)
Method: staking.Transfer
To: oasis1qrydpazemvuwtnp3efm7vmfvg3tde044qg6cxwzx
Amount: 1.0 ROSE
Nonce: 1
Amount: 0.0 ROSE
Gas limit: 1
(gas price: 0.0 ROSE per gas unit)

Network: mainnet
ParaTime: none (consensus layer)

A similar approach is suitable for ParaTime transactions. Take the following transaction which transfers 1.0 TEST from test:alice to test:bob inside Sapphire ParaTime on Testnet and save it as testtx2.json:

"Body": "o2F2AWJhaaJic2mBomVub25jZQFsYWRkcmVzc19zcGVjoWlzaWduYXR1cmWhZ2VkMjU1MTlYIDXD8zVt2FNk/roDVLVFraEJ0b2zi/XWEmgX24xyz9aRY2ZlZaJjZ2FzAWZhbW91bnSCQEBkY2FsbKJkYm9keaJidG9VAMjQ9FnbOOXMMcp35m0sRFbcvrUCZmFtb3VudIJIDeC2s6dkAABAZm1ldGhvZHFhY2NvdW50cy5UcmFuc2Zlcg==",
"AuthProofs": [
"signature": "u71xOVJhRrUth5rNTAa2HuARYCsGLmvOCRE05fCbaQiSoQhXtKPVP9feoQSXmLVxISCHr/0aNnRLEoifJLMzBQ=="

Oasis CLI will be able to verify the transaction only for the exact network and ParaTime combination since both are included inside the chain domain separation context of a ParaTime transaction signature.

oasis transaction show testtx2.json --network testnet --paratime sapphire
Hash: 1558a5d6254a1b216a0885fa16114899e35b27622fd5af7c8b2eee7284dcad2e
1. NcPzNW3YU2T+ugNUtUWtoQnRvbOL9dYSaBfbjHLP1pE=
(signature: u71xOVJhRrUth5rNTAa2HuARYCsGLmvOCRE05fCbaQiSoQhXtKPVP9feoQSXmLVxISCHr/0aNnRLEoifJLMzBQ==)
Format: plain
Method: accounts.Transfer
To: test:bob (oasis1qrydpazemvuwtnp3efm7vmfvg3tde044qg6cxwzx)
Amount: 1.0 TEST
Authorized signer(s):
1. NcPzNW3YU2T+ugNUtUWtoQnRvbOL9dYSaBfbjHLP1pE= (ed25519)
Nonce: 1
Amount: 0.0 TEST
Gas limit: 1
(gas price: 0.0 TEST per gas unit)

Network: testnet
ParaTime: sapphire

Sign a Transaction

To sign a previously unsigned transaction transaction or to append another signature to the transaction (multisig), run transaction sign <filename.json>.

For example, let's transfer 1.0 TEST from test:alice to test:bob on Testnet consensus layer, but don't sign it and store it to testtx_unsigned.json:

"nonce": 32,
"fee": {
"amount": "0",
"gas": 1265
"method": "staking.Transfer",
"body": "omJ0b1UAyND0Wds45cwxynfmbSxEVty+tQJmYW1vdW50RDuaygA="

Comparing this transaction to testtx.json which was signed, we can notice that the transaction is not wrapped inside the untrusted_raw_value envelope with the signature field.

Decoding unsigned transaction gives us similar output:

oasis transaction show testtx_unsigned.json --network testnet
Method: staking.Transfer
To: oasis1qrydpazemvuwtnp3efm7vmfvg3tde044qg6cxwzx
Amount: 1.0 TEST
Nonce: 32
Amount: 0.0 TEST
Gas limit: 1265
(gas price: 0.0 TEST per gas unit)

Network: testnet
ParaTime: none (consensus layer)

Finally, let's sign the transaction:

oasis transaction sign testtx_unsigned.json --network testnet --account test:alice
You are about to sign the following transaction:
Method: staking.Transfer
To: oasis1qrydpazemvuwtnp3efm7vmfvg3tde044qg6cxwzx
Amount: 1.0 TEST
Nonce: 42
Amount: 0.0 TEST
Gas limit: 1265
(gas price: 0.0 TEST per gas unit)

Network: testnet
ParaTime: none (consensus layer)
Account: test:alice

We can also use --output-file here and store the signed transaction back to another file instead of showing it.


Network and Account selectors are available for the transaction sign command.

Submit a Transaction

Invoking transaction submit <filename.json> will broadcast the consensus or ParaTime transaction to the selected network or ParaTime. If the transaction hasn't been signed yet, Oasis CLI will first sign it with the selected account in your wallet and then broadcast it.

oasis tx submit testtx.json --network testnet --no-paratime
Broadcasting transaction...
Transaction executed successfully.
Transaction hash: a81a1dcd203bba01761a55527f2c44251278110a247e63a12f064bf41e07f13a
oasis tx submit testtx2.json --network testnet --paratime sapphire
Broadcasting transaction...
Transaction included in block successfully.
Round: 946461
Transaction hash: 25f0b2a92b6171969e9cd41d047bc20b4e2307c3a329ddef41af73df69d95b5d